Saturday, February 10, 2007

Los Tarrales Private Reserve- Guatemala

Los Tarrales Private Reserve is a world class birding preserve located on the Pacific slope of Vulcan Atilan in Guatemala. With 3 life zones and a huge elevation gain of nearly 13, 500 ft, the bird diversity is amazing with 22 species of hummingbird possible.

If you need a guide, Josue de Leon knows this area very well and will be a great benefit on your birding adventure. He can be contacted by visiting the Las Tarrales website.

The following list was compiled on November 1-2, 2006. 113 species seen.

Field notes from Las Tarrales:

Tennessee Warblers were by far the most common warbler from the states but as you went higher in elevation it became more diverse with several Worm-eating warblers seen at the highest/ steepest portions of the trail. Mixed flocks dominated by North American migrants were common with Red-legged honeycreepers being the most frequent resident within the flocks. Swainson’s thrushes were found equally on the ground and in the trees and were by far the most frequent turdidae, besides Clay-colored robins (resident) which were seen at the lower elevation levels. Saw many more Baltimore Orioles on the 1st than the 2nd.

Flycatchers favored newly planted, less shade grown coffee, while few other birds were seen in non-shade grown coffee (except a few Magnolia and Chestnut-capped warblers). Heavily shaded coffee was generally very good birding with very high diversity.

113; in 1 and 1/2 days (1/2 day with guide;$10)
98; 1 day high tally
***** It really doesn't get any better than Las Tarrales. With a huge elevation gain and great trails that aren’t that hard to hike it is a birder’s paradise.
The Reserve has a great trail system that cut their way through the shade-grown coffee and surrounding forest.
Western Central Guatemala. Between Cocales and San Lucas Toliman
How Do I get there:
There are many buses and several trucks that go in-between Cocales and San Lucas Toliman. You could also probably take a rent-a-car.
Las Tarrales offers nice rooms for around $20. Or you can pitch a tent next to the lagoon for $6 (recommended). You can leave your valuables at the office if you need to. They also have furnished tree houses for around $20.
Not much else in the vicinity besides these choices.
What to bring:
· Good flashlight/headlamp, it gets pretty dark in town and on the walk to the lagoon.
· Food, it’s a bit pricey there ($8 average), but is largely organic. There are a few tiendas in the neighboring village but it would be easiest to bring from the get-go.
· Tent (there are actually quite a few places to camp in Guatemala) But bring a lock.

1. Little Blue Heron - Egretta caerulea
2. Cattle Egret -Bubulcus ibis

3. Black Vulture -Coragyps atratus
4. Turkey Vulture -Carthartes aura
5. King Vulture -Sarcoramphus papa

6. Blue-winged Teal- Anas discors

7. Gray Hawk Asturina nitida
8. Broad-winged Hawk Buteo platypterus
9. Short-tailed Hawk Buteo brachyurus

10. Collared Forest-falcon -Micrastur semitorquatus
11. Northern Crested Caracara -Caracara cheriway

12. Crested Guan -Penelope purpurascens

13. Red-billed Pigeon -Columba flavirostris
14. Band-tailed Pigeon -Columba fasciata
15. Inca Dove -Columbina inca
16. White-tipped Dove -Leptotila verreauxi

17. Pacific Parakeet -Aratinga strenua
18. Orange-fronted Parakeet -Aratinga canicularis
19. Orange-chinned Parakeet -Brotogeris jugularis

20. Squirrel Cuckoo -Piaya cayana
21. Groove-billed Ani -Crotophaga sulcirostris

22. Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl -Glaucidium brasilianum
23. Mottled Owl -Ciccaba virgata

24. Lesser Nighthawk -Chordeiles acutipennis

25. White-collared Swift -Streptoprocne zonaris
26. Vaux’s Swift -Chaetura vauxi

27. Violet Sabrewing -Campylopterus emileucurus
28. Berylline Hummingbird -Amazilia berylline
29. Blue-tailed Hummingbird -Amazilia cyanura
30. Cinnamon Hummingbird- Amazilia rutila
31. Long-billed Starthroat -Heliomaster longirostris
32. Ruby-throated Hummingbird- Archilochus colubris
33. Magnificent Hummingbird -Eugunes fulgens
34. Blue-throated Sapphire -Hylocharis eliciae

35. Violaceous Trogon -Trogon violaceus
36. Collared Trogon -Trogon collaris

37. Tody Motmot -Hylomanes momotula
38. Blue-crowned Motmot -Momotus momota

39. Green Kingfisher -Chloroceryle Americana

40. Collared Aracari -Pteroglossus torquatus

41. Golden-fronted Woodpecker -Melanerpes aurifrons
42. Golden-olive Woodpecker -Piculus rubiginosus
43. Lineated Woodpecker -Dryocopus lineatus
44. Pale-billed Woodpecker -Campephilus guatemalensis

45. Rufous-breasted Spinetail -Synallaxis erythrothorax

46. Barred Antshrike- Thamnophilus doliatus

47. Greenish Elaenia -Myiopagis viridicata
48. Common Tody-flycatcher -Todirostrum cinereum
49. Yellow-olive Flycatcher -Tolmomyias sulphurescens
50. Tropical Pewee -Contopus cinereus
51. Western Wood-pewee -Contopus sordidulus
52. Least Flycatcher -Empidonax minimus
53. Yellowish Flycatcher -Empidonax flavescens
54. Buff-breasted Flycatcher -Empidonax fulvifrons
55. Pacific-sloped Flycatcher -Empidonax difficillis
56. Dusky-capped Flycatcher -Myiarchus tuberculifer
57. Great Kiskadee -Piangus sulphuratus
58. Boat-billed Flycatcher -Megarynchus pitangua
59. Social Flycatcher- Myiozetetes similes
60. Rose-throated Becard -Pachyramphus aglaiae
61. Grey-collared Becard -Pachyramphus major
62. Masked Tityra -Tityra semifasciata

63. Cassin’s Vireo -Vireo cassinii
64. Yellow-throated Vireo -Vireo flavifrons
65. Warbling Vireo -Vireo gilvus
66. Rufous-browed Peppershrike -Cyclarhis gujanensis

67. White-throated Magpie-Jay -Calocitta formosa

68. Gray-breasted Martin -Progne chalybea
69. Northern Rough-winged Swallow -Stelgidopteryx serripennis

70. Rufous-naped Wren -Campylorhynchus rufinucha
71. Rufous-and-white Wren -Thryothorus rufalbus
72. Spot-breasted Wren -Thryothorus maculipectus
73. Plain Wren -Thryothorus modestus
74. Gray-breasted Wood-wren -Henicorhina leucophrys
75. White-breasted Wood-wren Henicorhina leucosticte

76. Long-billed Gnatwren -Ramphocaenus melanurus
77. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher -Polioptila caerulea

78. Orange-billed Nightingale-thrush -Catharus aurantiirostris
79. Swainson’s Thrush -Catharus ustulatus
Clay-colored Robin -Turdus grayi
81. White-throated Robin -Turdus assimilis

82. Tennessee Warbler -Vermivora peregrine
83. Bay-breasted Warbler -Dendroica castanea
84. Yellow Warbler -Dendroica petechia
85. Magnolia Warbler -Dendroica magnolia
86. Townsend’s Warbler -Dendroica townsendi
87. Blackburnian Warbler -Dendroica fusca
88. Black-throated-green Warbler -Dendroica virens
89. Black-and-white Warbler -Mniotilta varia
90. American Redstart -Setophaga ruticilla
91. Worm-eating Warbler -Helmitheros vermivorus
92. Ovenbird -Seiurus aurocapillus
93. Wilson’s Warbler -Wilsonia pusilla
94. Slate-throated Redstart -Myioborus miniatus
95. Fan-tailed Warbler- Euthlypis lachrymose
96. Golden-crowned Warbler -Basileuterus culicivorus
97. Chestnut-capped Warbler -Basileuterus delattrii

98. Summer Tanager -Piranga rubra
99. White-winged Tanager -Thraupis episcopus
100. Yellow-winged Tanager -Thraupis abbas
101. Yellow-throated Euphonia -Euphonia hirundinacea
102. Red-legged Honeycreeper -Cyanerpes cyaneus

103. White-eared Ground-sparrow -Melozone leucotis

104. Painted Bunting -Passerina ciris
105. Black-headed Saltator -Saltator atriceps
106. Rose-breasted Grosbeak -Pheucticus ludovicianus

107. Melodious Blackbird -Dives dives
108. Great-tailed Grackle -Quiscalus mexicanus
109. Spot-breasted Oriole -Icterus pectoralis
110. Altamira Oriole -Icterus gularis
111. Baltimore Oriole -Icterus galbula
112. Yellow-billed Cacique -Amblycercus holosericeus

113. Lesser Goldfinch -Carduelis psaltria

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